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              Constant rejuvenation of myocardial infarction increased frequency of sudden deaths during competitions, at physical education classes, at work and outdoors, requires the most early to give everyone a prognosis about the condition of his myocardium. First of all, children and athletes. Initially, each healthy person reserves his myocardium increased to some optimal age , in the range of about 25 to 35 years. But, after some time, years to 50, they begin to gradually decrease. In people with malformations or chronic patients, the optimum of their myocardium occurs somewhat earlier, however, is not so noticeable and tends to early progressive reduction.

           But, to trace processes of development and degradation of myocardium instrumental, before emergence of a stress-system III, there was no speech also. Today, the method of determining the biological age of the myocardium, except for the stress system III, does not exist. Only with the advent of color chart, the age managed to capture exactly showing that citogramma each person undergoes degradation in exactly the same way as the myocardium. The pulse of a person with age gradually increases more and more sharply, with all the smaller loads, colorless space on its color chart decreases, the color segments of the norm also decrease, and the" critical " loads become smaller. The General appearance of the color chart changes - with age, it is all deformed and, as it were, "dries":

          This is the General characteristic of degradation processes occurring with age in the myocardium. For a completely accurate assessment of the biological age of the myocardium in the database of stress-system III for this purpose should be created color chart-standards for every age. To do this, the stress system III requires a built - in package of multi-vector statistical processing, which forms the arrays of all examined for a number of passport (gender, age), anthropometric (height, weight, type of skeleton), social (professional and social harms), medical (diagnoses) and geographical ( place of birth and long-term residence), indicators. The formation of such age standards – the process of a certain time, because they should be at least 10 at each age (taking into account gender, weight, height, Constitution, training, etc.).) even for an approximate age of the myocardium. For more of the same is correct, there should be at least 30, and for sure not less than 100. That is, through the stress system III, must pass at least several thousand surveys, so that it can finally form a statistically correct age standards.

             At the same time, it is clear that the people who form them should be, if not absolutely, the most healthy for their age. And it is clear that they should not have chronic diseases, bad habits, industrial hazards, not be at risk, live in normal domestic and environmental conditions. All color charts of all subjects are obtained in a single continuous-age standard (according to Bruce): with a load step of 50 watts for 2 minutes.